

Webmaster am 25.07.2011 um 22:01 (UTC)
The last Test with Blaster was really Great.
Iam working now at the "2pc`s"Trick.
I will add now a Sniffer, the Sniffer read the port of the GameServer,
So you cannot logon on 1 PC and Play on the other PC with hacks.


Whats the best name for the new Anti-Cheat Tool?
Webmaster am 23.07.2011 um 12:02 (UTC)
 Hey guys,
the first Anti Cheat Tool is finished in few Days,
so now you can Vote for your Favorite Tool-Name.
For more Names please comment that article

partypoker PARTY CASINO Umfrage Blackjack FXCM

Server Restart
Webmaster am 13.06.2011 um 15:39 (UTC)
 Hey guys,
today i was restarting Root-Server,
becouse Windows was crashing.

New Projects...
Webmaster am 03.06.2011 um 00:09 (UTC)
 Hi everyone,
I'm currently working on 2 projects.
First and "Anti-Cheat" Tool,
that can be used for Clanwars.

Admin start the Server tool on the Root Server and type in
the Consolename, like "HD2 Server Console - War" and Server Port.

Then every Player must load the Client tool(ca.500kb),start that one and type in Server Adress and Click Connect.
With F11 Key Admin can Refresh the lists and it shows you inGame if anybody not logged on or something else.

if an Client Tool detect a Hack then it Send automaticly a Signal to Server and Game.

Second 3D Shooter.
I try to make a good shooter like HD2
but look yourself...

Now iam develop the "Shooting-System"
Pls Comment that article.


and again new Update
Webmaster am 29.04.2011 um 11:01 (UTC)
 Now you can take a look at Players and their info`s(Kills,Score etc.)
Runtime Bug fiexed and more...
Also New Screens Screens!
Check it out,Go to Products!


Webmaster am 27.04.2011 um 00:08 (UTC)
 I found many Bugs, so hold on.
Fixed Bugs:
-maxplayers bug
-24min text =)

New Functions:
-while you click the button it will build
the Graphics and info`s
-better YDivisions

also make better Surface (lables etc.)

I think Tomorrow its done.


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